Tuesday, 29 April 2014

An Evolution of Sorts

Experimenting with 3D Studio Max and Terragen together started to open some nice images for me, particularly after I started building faster workstations to reduce rendering times.  Because I needed to bring the Max images to the same level as the Terragen images, I had to stop using the default renderer and start exploring Global Illumination (GI) and Ray Trace rendering in 3D Studio Max.

2011 - Security monitoring room design for un-named online game project.  Default renderer in 3D Studio Max.  I ended up taking over the level design, but there was no saving a project where the leads couldn't agree on any of the content.

2011 - Warehouse interior for un-named game project.  Default renderer in 3D Studio Max.

2013 - I was working on some street front elevation studies for a developer.  He had presented me with sketches showing a pastiche of classical elements and the admonition; 'it just needs a little massaging'.  I ended up resolving it in a very simple and clean way , but then I started rereading A.E. Van Vogt's 'The Weapon Shops of Isher' and it ended being up a late night with this as the result.  

Those who look closely will see that the center door logo announces Nick Danger of Firesign Theater fame.  3D Studio Max 2014 with Mental Ray Renderer.

2013 - Experiment with compositing of 3D Studio Max model in Vray Renderer and Background render from Terragen 2.  The flags are Tibetan rug patterns from a textile exhibit brochure in New York.

all images in this blog are copyright vertigo studios and michael knudsen

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